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Launch Of Origin Amenity Solutions

02 July 2021 News

Origin Enterprise Plc formally announced the formation of Origin Amenity Solutions, comprising of four of the leading amenity industry brand names; Headland Amenity, Rigby Taylor, Symbio and TurfKeeper.

Building upon the individual strengths of these four business, Origin Amenity Solutions will be operating at the leading-edge of plant science and turf technology with such leading products and integrated pest management and microbiology programmes including the ’R’ range of Tetraploid seed mixtures; Multigreen fertilizers, Tri-Cure AD, Breaker, IDM tank mix disease programmes, Chikara, Compost Tea Packs, Blue Water and Lake Shadow for water management, Nutri-Link liquids and Cold Start granular fertilizers, Impact line marking paints and robotic technology.

In addition, this new business will be supported by the parallel launch of a dedicated amenity research & development facility based in Essex. The Origin Amenity Turf Science & Technology Centre, through an investment of £500,000, will comprise of extensive trial grounds comprising fine (poa/bent) grasses and ryegrass, sports pitch surfaces.

The trial grounds have a fully functioning Rain Bird irrigation system installed, Davis Weather monitoring and recording station station, Soil Scout below ground ‘real time’ monitoring of temperature, moisture and salinity and the low invasive, ground water dynamics drainage system. Completing this extensive trials area will be greenhouses, fully equipped laboratory and conference facilities….all dedicated to identifying, developing and informing the industry on new and innovative products, techniques and practices.

Commenting on this announcement, Managing Director Chris Clark stated, “the decision taken to bring these four companies together as one business will enable customers to continue to benefit from their individual character and nature (which will not change), whilst at the same time maximising their complementary skills, knowledge and expertise for the benefit of all.

Operating under the banner of ‘The source of excellence” Origin Amenity Solutions will be working to bring to the industry innovative, practical and sustainable technologies that will be of benefit to all greenkeepers, grounds managers, vegetation control specialists and landscapers.

Chris continues, “Changes in climatic conditions are dramatically challenging and shaping our environment so it is vital we confront these head on by seeking solutions so as the mitigate their effect. For over a century we have provided integrated management programmes that have provided protection to the plant and nutrition for healthy growth. More recently, the introduction of the revolutionary, award winning Impact marking paint completely changed the method and manner of pitch line marking and now used in over 50 countries worldwide. This has been followed by pioneering robotics and on line management systems. We have also addressed, with our seed breeding partner, Top Green, environmental issues affecting carbon in the atmosphere and to that end have introduced a range of Carbon4Grass seed mixtures that are superior to standard grass mixtures in sequestering (locking-up) carbon and storing it in the soil.

“In addition, we have been leading the way with ‘WeatherCheck’ in providing site specific weather information for sportsturf managers and non chemical solutions for managing turf sustainability and supporting microbial, soil life to improve the plants resilience in tackling turf diseases and disruptive aeration and thatch problems.

“The TurfKeeper online management system is now the leader in the field in providing turf professionals with a personalised, fully inclusive digital platform. This system allows manager to organise, deliver and manage day-to-day tasks and communicate to staff through phone, tablet, laptop and office-based whiteboard, now used by hundreds of clubs worldwide.”

Origin Amenity Solutions has recognised that the industry is changing, the climate is changing and turf managers expectations are changing….…..Origin Amenity Solutions has been formed in the recognition that there is a need to adapt and evolve and to develop solutions to meet the challenge of change.