Nurturing our Environment

At Origin Enterprises, nurturing the environment is central to our sustainability strategy.


Our approach combines innovative tools, expert services, and future-ready solutions to unlock the true potential of land across agriculture, ecology, and recreational spaces.

By prioritising environmental stewardship, we aim to reduce our carbon footprint, conserve resources, and support biodiversity while working alongside growers, suppliers, and industry partners to address the challenges of climate change.

Key frameworks

We have adopted a strategic focus to nurturing our environment by implementing several essential initiatives.

The CSRD, ESRS, and GRI guide our targets, metrics, and monitoring programs, and we have committed to Science Based Targets. Additionally, we are seeking wider verification statements beyond GHG emissions.

Our approach is aligned with the following environmental UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and our most Material Themes:


  • Zero Hunger (SDG 2)
  • Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6)
  • Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12)
  • Climate Action (SDG 13)
  • Life Below Water (SDG 14)
  • Life on Land (SDG 15)

Origin material themes

  • Biodiversity
  • Soil health
  • Sustainable food systems
  • Climate change resilience
  • Energy efficiency and GHG emissions
  • Water stewardship
  • Circular economy

Our activities

Nurturing our environment roadmap to 2030

We are committed to reaching key sustainability milestones by 2030, which include:

  • Reducing Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by adopting electric vehicles and sustainable energy sources.
  • Reducing Scope 3 GHG emissions through the use of zero/low-emission fertilisers, increasing nitrogen use efficiency, and building soil resilience.
  • Developing a roadmap by 2026 to eliminate microplastics in our product offering
  • Expanding our environmental services and increasing water conservation efforts across our operations.
  • Achieving Zero Waste to Landfill by 2025 and accelerating circular economy adoption across our product lines.
Sustainability Report

Climate transition plan

Our Climate Transition Plan addresses Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions to 2032, focusing on reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our operations and supply chain. We are committed to reducing these emissions in line with our Science Based Targets Initiative validated targets over this timeframe.

While we’ve already made significant strides in cutting our Scope 1 and 2 emissions, we recognise that 99.8% of our emissions are tied to our wider supply chain, presenting a substantial challenge.

Through collaboration and investment, we aim to balance our climate ambitions with food security, ensuring that we both transition successfully while also maintaining a stable and secure food supply.

Sustainability Report

Soil resilience at the heart of our approach

Soil health is foundational to our environmental efforts, and at Origin we specialise in managing fragile soils to improve their resilience. By implementing practices such as minimal tillage and enhancing soil carbon levels, we help regenerate ecosystems, promote biodiversity, and improve water quality.

We support our customers to strategically improve their soil’s resilience through our physical, chemical and biological soil assessments, and our digital services make these analyses more timely, engaging and interactive.

Agronomist advisory services

Our market-leading network of agronomists supports farmers in embracing sustainable food production, increasing yields while reducing environmental impact. As we provide advice directly to tens of thousands of farmers across our operating countries, this is a very effective implementation pathway, bridging the gap between formal scientific research and on-farm adoption.

Through innovative pest, weed, and disease management strategies, our agronomists empower farmers to adopt practices that are both environmentally sustainable and economically viable.

For example, our Variety Sustainability Ratings guide farmers in selecting resilient crop varieties, and our enhanced efficiency fertilisers reduce nitrogen loss and improve soil health, supported by state-of-the-art technologies like satellite imagery and drone monitoring.

Agricultural businesses

Living Landscapes

Across the sports, landscapes, and environmental sectors, we’re helping customers enhance their green spaces while protecting biodiversity, natural habitats, and the ecosystem services that these areas provide.

Our environmental services in this division provide comprehensive expertise in supporting biodiversity goals, and our offering includes ecological surveys and monitoring, habitat restoration and creation, and biodiversity net gain strategies.

Our commitment extends to caring for all ecosystem services provided by natural assets, including soil, air, water, and all living organisms. By adopting a Natural Capital Approach, we guide landowners and managers in making informed decisions that contribute to the sustainable management of these assets.

Living Landscapes


Our digital tools, near-market R&D and data analytics are transforming decision making for growers and land managers – allowing them to benefit both their business and the environment.

For example, our Agralytics testing service in Continental Europe provides tailored, real-time product and management recommendations for growers, reducing wasted applications, improving nutrient use efficiency, and supporting the use of biosolutions. This approach promotes climate action, biodiversity, and improved water quality – while saving money for our growers.


Strategic partnerships and collaborations

We know that addressing the complex challenges of sustainable land use requires collaboration, so our partnerships range from thought leadership, research projects and technology development to product supply and application.

We actively participate in various collaborations that bring together diverse expertise and perspectives including representation on the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC), the UK Business & Biodiversity Forum, Business for Biodiversity Ireland and the Amenity Forum Committees, in addition to participation in initiatives such Nitrogen Use Efficiency research collaboration NUE-Leg.

Responsible sourcing and EMS

Responsible sourcing is key to sustainable land use, and we’re intensifying collaboration across our value chain.

Our Suppliers’ and Contractors’ Codes reinforce our commitment to environmental standards across our supply chain. Additionally, our Environmental Management System, aligned with ISO14001 standards, provides auditable and internationally recognised certification for monitoring and controlling the environmental impact of our operations.

Our Policies